Upcoming Sessions

Starts 06 February 2025

ENERGY STAR® Portfolio Manager Webinar: 301-Maximize Usage with Advanced Features

clock Virtual Real-Time Classroom - EST Time -

Leo Glaser,

Register now

clock 1h , 11:00 am - 12:00 pm EST

Starts 27 February 2025

Webinaire ENERGY STAR® Portfolio Manager: 301-Maximiser l'utilisation avec les fonctionnalités avancées - In French

clock Virtual Real-Time Classroom - EST Time -

Keven Bilodeau,

Register now

clock 1h , 11:00 am - 12:00 pm EST

Program Overview

Having learned how to set up a building and maintain accurate details and share records in ENERGY STAR® Portfolio Manager (ESPM), this third and last workshop exposes participants to how they can go further with Portfolio Manager to produce more complex reports and templates as well as begin to set baselines and checklists for their buildings.

During this session, participants are also exposed to the Sustainable Buildings Checklist feature that helps asset managers establish common strategies for operating and maintaining buildings in a sustainable manner with a focus on energy and water efficiency. The Checklist feature is built around five key markers: integrated assessment and operation principles, optimized energy performance, water conservation, enhanced indoor environmental quality, and reduced environmental impacts.

Portfolio Manager is a management tool designed to measure and assess the energy performance of commercial and institutional buildings. Over the years, Portfolio Manager has grown in popularity and use because it allows users to ​understand whole building energy uses and costs (including water and other materials), compare theirs to other buildings (using a scoring system), set building baselines and targets, track the impacts of reduction strategies, and produce custom reports.​
CIET Energy Star Portfolio Manager (ESPM) Free Webinar Series


In this webinar, you will learn to

  • Update data using the spreadsheet upload feature.
  • Set baselines, goals, and targets to plan energy improvements.
  • Create custom reporting templates.
  • Use the Data Request Template functionality.


This webinar is ideal for

  • Building owners and operators
  • Public-sector or institutional program managers
  • Building managers/supervisors
  • Asset and building portfolio managers
  • Industrial and water plant operators

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