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Program Overview

Training Incentives Available

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The Energy Efficiency for Building Operators and Maintenance Staff (EEBO) course is designed to engage, motivate, and empower building operators and managers through hands-on and highly interactive training.

In this two-day course, instructors help participants understand how energy behaves, how it is used in facilities, and how to control it through operational actions across various building systems. Physical demonstrations, calculations, worksheets, role plays, and case studies are used to demonstrate existing energy savings opportunities in lighting, pumps, fans, building envelope components, heating, ventilation, and air-conditioning (HVAC), refrigeration, building automation systems, and more.

Building operators as well as related maintenance and facility staff know their building better than anyone. Therefore, they are uniquely positioned to discover and act on energy savings opportunities that will reduce maintenance costs and overall building operating costs.

This course includes a unique feature called an Energy Hunt that takes participants out of the classroom and into a building’s daily operations to examine them closely. The knowledge gained from this exercise is then applied in the classroom where participants learn how to calculate energy savings based on the opportunities identified during the Energy Hunt. 

Results from past Energy Hunts

Here are a few examples of Energy Hunt results that were unearthed through collaborative idea exchange, consultation with building operators, savings calculations, and the identification of actionable measures with participants.

Findings for a university campus building

Findings for an institutional building

Findings for a commercial building

Findings for a secondary school

Findings for a commercial building

Are you interested in conducting an Energy Hunt using your building and consumption data? Talk to us about a private EEBO session for your staff. 

Contact us for more details about how to organize a private EEBO session. 


In this course, you will learn to

  • Determine how building operations impact energy consumption and how to identify energy waste. 
  • Determine how to improve energy efficiency through building maintenance and operations. 
  • Apply expertise on how to conduct simple energy savings calculations and explain savings to others. 
  • Apply building control strategies used to reduce energy consumption and costs. 
  • Optimize HVAC systems. 
  • Reduce energy consumption through equipment selections and replacements. 


This course is ideal for

  • Building/facility operators and supervisors 
  • Building/asset managers 
  • Energy managers 
  • Service providers in the commercial building industry 
  • Building maintenance staff 
  • Technologists and specialists (lighting, HVAC, others) 


Note: as an added value to CIET's Energy Efficiency for Building Operators & Maintenance Staff course, a fully functional FREE 60-day trial subscription to the RETScreen® software will be made available (value of $125)

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The 2-Day EEBO training program covers the following topics:

Day 1

  • Overview of Energy Management
  • Finding the Savings
  • Seven Steps to understanding energy use and finding savings
  • Overview of the Energy Treasure Hunt

Day 2

  • Getting Ready: Analyzing Building Data
  • Building Walkthrough
  • Assemble of ideas list
  • BAS Walkthrough & gathering of additional data
  • Calculating Savings
  • Making the Case for EE: Presenting your Ideas to Others


The 1-Day EEBO training program covers the following topics:

  • Energy Fundamentals​
  • Seven Steps to understanding energy use and finding savings
  • Overview of the Energy Treasure Hunt​
  • Getting Ready: Analyzing Building Data​
  • Virtual Building Walkthrough​
  • BAS Walkthrough & gathering of additional data
  • Assemble of ideas list​
  • Select Measures & Calculate Savings​

This course includes...

Policies and FAQ

Click here, to see our course postponement and cancellation policy.

Do you have questions? Consult our FAQ for answers. 

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Send us an email and we will respond as soon as possible.

This is to inform you that the course date is too close to be able to ship hard copies of the material to you on time. If you are willing to use the material in secured PDF, receive the material later (likely after the course) and pay upon registration, please click OK to continue the registration process. Please note that the shipping process will start only when the course fees are paid in full and delays are to be expected. Many thanks!

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