When you think about reducing energy consumption, how often does water enter your mind? The Environmental Commissioner of Ontario released Volume One of the Annual Energy Conservation Progress Report, which focuses on “the connection between water and energy in Ontario’s municipal water and wastewater systems” (eco.on.ca).


Download Every Drop Counts: Reducing the Energy and Climate Footprint of Ontario’s Water Use


Municipal water and wastewater systems are usually a municipal government’s largest energy uses, consuming on average, 38% of the energy.

-Every Drop Counts


Factors such as water treatments (wastewater and drinking water) and pumping (wastewater pumping and drinking water pumping) make up the 38% of energy consumption reported. For Ontarians, having unlimited drinking water comes at a cost.


It was reported that “Ontarians are heavy water users, consuming at least 50% more water than many Europeans” (Every Drop Count, page 15). This high water use has impacts on energy use, climate, the environment and finances.


In a municipality, or even a business organization, high water consumption and energy use in water systems means there is an opportunity to reduce water consumption, therefore reducing energy consumption and costs.


Ontario has an “opportunity to cut energy costs and reduce the environmental footprint of municipal water and wastewater systems, while placing these vital systems on a more sustainable footing” (Every Drop Counts, page 21). Creating a sustainable footing for any organization begins with understanding the existing systems and optimizing them for future use.


Pump Systems Optimization & Your Bottom Line

Focusing on optimizing your pump system can have a positive impact on:

  • Your bottom line
  • Maintenance budgets
  • Time between repairs
  • Carbon dioxide emissions
  • Overall pump system reliability

Optimizing your pump systems starts with identifying any problem areas and turning them into energy and financial savings.


The Pump Systems Optimization course is product-neutral and provides case studies and actual field data to show the energy savings and kilowatt reduction with a more efficient pump system.


For management, this course is beneficial because it is a valuable tool to introduce better energy efficiency practices within your scope and region.


Learn more about Pump Systems Optimizations & course outcomes


In Ontario, this training program is eligible to the IESO’s Training Incentive covering up to 50% of the training fees. Learn more.


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