Update: For Fall 2021 webinar dates, visit this page.


CIET is happy to announce a series of three free webinars this Summer to help participants better understand how to use and get the most out of the ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager software. ENERGY STAR® Portfolio Manager (ESPM) is a management tool designed to measure and assess the energy performance of commercial and institutional buildings. After widespread use in the United States, Natural Resources Canada adapted Portfolio Manager for use in Canada where more than 26,000 buildings have been entered into the tool.


Over the years, Portfolio Manager has grown in popularity and use because it allows the user to understand whole building energy use and costs (including water and other materials), compare theirs to similar buildings (using a scoring system), set building baselines and targets, track the impacts of reduction strategies, and produce custom reports.


The three webinars are organized to build upon the participant’s knowledge and level of comfort with Portfolio Manager. They will be presented in the following order:


  • Webinar 1 (101): Fundamentals & basics

  • Webinar 2 (201): Creating & updating your building profile

  • Webinar 3 (301): Maximize usage with advanced features


The webinars will be made available in both of English and French over the course of June and July. Although the webinars are free, registration is required and spaces are limited. So, we would encourage you to sign up today!



  • June 17 -  101: Fundamentals & basics 

  • June 29 -  201: Creating & updating your building profile

  • July 14 -  301: Maximize usage with advanced features



  • June 9 -  101: Fundamentals & basics 

  • June 23 -  201: Creating & updating your building profile

  • July 7 - 301: Maximize usage with advanced features


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This is to inform you that the course date is too close to be able to ship hard copies of the material to you on time. If you are willing to use the material in secured PDF, receive the material later (likely after the course) and pay upon registration, please click OK to continue the registration process. Please note that the shipping process will start only when the course fees are paid in full and delays are to be expected. Many thanks!

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