For more details on the exam process, we recommend reading the Candidate Exam Handbook by Natural Resources Canada. Exam related information is available at If you wish to register for exams, you must first complete the Register section. Then, you can purchase exams in the Products section. To learn where exams are administered, consult the Exam Centres section. For each exam, you are invited to read the appropriate Exam Competency Profile found in the ERS-EnerGuide Rating System v15/ERS v.15 Competencies section of the File Exchange website. To obtain login details, please contact NRCan at In the Subject section, please write “EG”.
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This is to inform you that the course date is too close to be able to ship hard copies of the material to you on time. If you are willing to use the material in secured PDF, receive the material later (likely after the course) and pay upon registration, please click OK to continue the registration process. Please note that the shipping process will start only when the course fees are paid in full and delays are to be expected. Many thanks!