Upcoming Sessions

Starts 05 March 2025

Working with the National Energy Code for Buildings (NECB)

clock Virtual Real-Time Classroom - CST Time -

Ali Nazari,

Early bird fee
$1045/ Before January 8th, 2025

Register now

clock 2 days, 9:00 am - 4:30 pm CST

Starts 11 June 2025

Working with the National Energy Code for Buildings (NECB) - In French

clock Virtual Real-Time Classroom - EDT Time -

Nasreddine Guerfala,

Early bird fee
$1045/ Before April 16, 2025

Registration closing by
June 10, 2025

Register now

clock 2 days, 9:00 am - 4:30 pm EDT

Program Overview

Working with the National Energy Code for Buildings (NECB) provides guidance to help anyone who works regularly with the code to either comply with or enforce it. This course covers the most important aspects of the NECB, notably building envelopes, heating, ventilation, and air conditioning, and water heating.

This two-day course enables participants to comprehend the implications of the code for themselves and from the perspectives of others. 

  • Day one is focused on theoretical elements to lay a solid foundation for Day 2. 
  • Day two includes several workshops. 


Having prior work experience is an asset in this course because participants will be able to better take part in group discussions and case studies. These interactive activities will require participants to adopt a problem-solving approach to resolve issues. By the end of the course, participants understand how crucial it is to implement NECB best practices.

Refreshing your knowledge of the NECB and studying the various versions of the code will help you succeed in this course. 


In this course, you will learn to

  • Define the requirements of the NECB. 
  • Comply with NECB requirements. 
  • Apply a work methodology to ensure NECB requirements are duly met. 
  • Differentiate between the 2017 and 2020 versions of the code. 
  • Comprehend how the code affects your line of work. 
  • Mobilize the latest technological advancements to achieve energy efficiency goals.  


This course is ideal for

  • Building designers and architects 
  • Construction professionals 
  • Building inspectors 
  • Consultants 
  • Provincial building authorities 

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Do you have questions? Consult our FAQ for answers. 

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